
Thursday, February 14, 2013

NASW Media Awards

Well, that’s a surprise!

Adoption at the Movies is one of three single-topic blogs nominated for this year’s National Association of Social Worker Media Awards. The other two are also very interesting. Darlene Tando blogs about working with transgendered clients. Martha Crawford’s blog, What a Shrink Thinks, gives insight into being a therapist and has been helpful to me as I’ve started my work as a therapist.

I browsed the links to nominees in other categories, as well. I found two movies that I’ll be reviewing soon. I also found:
The heartwarming story of a teen who overcame abuse, abandonment and two bouts of cancer and still managed to get a full athletic scholarship to college
The story of the first military social worker to be killed in action
Ways to avoid burnout

Check out the sites on the ballot - there's a lot of good stuff there! Vote if you like. NASW Media Awards 2013.

And come back tomorrow for a guest post from one of the funniest social work bloggers on the Internet.


Open Adoption Blogs