
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Adoption Movie Guide: X3

With both sides working for genocide, Magneto leads a group of mutants intent on curing the earth of homo sapiens, and the military intends to use a projectile drug to turn mutants into “normal” humans. Magneto finds Phoenix, the most powerful of mutants, and intends to use her assistance to win the battle; meanwhile, Xavier pleads with Phoenix to control her power rather than be controlled by it.

How is This Relevant to Adoption? 
There are a few adoption-relevant themes throughout the X-Men Movies, which I’ve touched on in reviews for X-Men First Class, X-Men, and X2. One group of people is misunderstood and ostracized by another, larger group of people. In this film, one character is praised for giving people who felt alone, a family.

Strong Points
The eulogy given for one character might resonate with people who were touched by adoption, “When we were afraid, he gave us strength. When we were alone, he gave us a family.”

In previous movies, Wolverine seemed to be a loner. Now he seems to have begun to identify with those that care about him.


Magneto distrusts others, but his reasons are understandable. He is a survivor of the Holocaust. Some adoptees – especially those adopted from foster care – may resonate with him as a survivor of atrocities. There is room for discussion here – how can one survive cruelty without becoming cruel?

A female character is unable to physically touch others because her mutation will harm them on contact. Her boyfriend seems OK with this, but she tells him, “You’re a guy. Your mind’s only on one thing.” He seemed willing to have a relationship with her on her own terms, but she seems to have chosen to focus on her challenges, and to project her displeasure with herself onto him. It’s an interesting scene that could be illustrative of many relationships.

One character is split – she is able to control herself at times, but at other times she is “pure joy and rage.” Ultimately, her uncontrolled state causes much destruction. She is only saved from the pain when her friend kills her.

Many beloved characters die.

Weak Points

One character cuts himself to try to stop seeming like a mutant.

A character threatens to kill another, and then does.
The film is violent.


As with X2, kids are likely drawn to superhero movies, but this film has enough violence to give parents some pause about younger kids watching it. Teens will like it. The film does provide opportunity for some meaningful conversations for kids who’ve experienced abuse and for kids who have found it difficult to connect with others.

Questions for Discussion after the movie

Rogue took medicine to become a non-mutant in order to connect with her boyfriend. Have you ever wished that you could change some parts of yourself? Which parts, and what would you change them to?

Magneto is cruel because he experienced cruelty. How can people survive cruelty without becoming cruel?

Have you ever felt like Phoenix, unable to control your rage? Have you ever been able to control your anger? How?

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