
Monday, June 3, 2013

Adoption Movie Guide: Epic

MK hasn’t seen her father in many years. His career – and his marriage – suffered because he became obsessed with his life’s work – tracking and trying to prove the existence of societies of very small forest-dwellers. MK decides to visit her father – and might be considering living with him – but she quickly becomes frustrated to realize that his obsession with his work still overshadows his attention to her.  MK accidentally stumbles upon the society for which her father has been searching, joins it, and develops a better appreciation for her father. Meanwhile, in the fantastical community she finds, small knights ride hummingbirds like flying horses while fighting off evil shark-like creatures.

How is This Relevant to Adoption? 
MK has lost her mother; although it isn’t stated directly, it seems that her mother has passed away. MK shares that she is going through the Five Stages of Grief, and suggests that her father is not.
A large part of the film revolves around the impending birth of a character. If the character is born “in darkness,” or with the villain nearby, the character will be wicked. If the character is born “in light,” the character will be good. The villain has lost a son in a battle, and suggests that capturing the not-yet-born character and making him “a dark prince” would be recompense for his loss.

Strong Points
MK cautions her father that he could lose his relationship with her if he continues to fail to pay attention to her.

One character describes a community as “many leaves, one tree,” meaning that although each person is an individual, we are all connected. This could be a powerful thought to families touched by adoption.


MK is actively mourning the loss of her mother; her father doesn’t seem to be mourning it. Later, a mother-figure to the forest community dies. Instead of mourning her loss, a community leader says that she “wouldn’t want us to mourn. She’d want us to celebrate the life of the forest.” By the end of the film, MK appreciates her father more. No resolution is brought to her sense of loss. Kids might walk away from the film thinking that mourning is bad.


The “born in darkness” / “dark prince” theme is a bit scary, and also seems to exaggerate the importance of  a child’s birth circumstances.


Younger viewers (5-9) might be drawn to Epic. Parental guidance should help separate the good (understanding your parents and appreciating their selflessness, in spite of their imperfections) from the bad.

After  the movie

Do you think the new forest leader could have been good, even if she had been born in “the darkness?”

Why was MK mad at her dad? She changed her mind and decided to stay with him – why? What things should her dad still change?


  1. This looks promising. Sounds about right for my 6 and 8-year-olds.

    1. I think it'll capture their imagination :)

      I'd love to know what they think!


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