
Thursday, October 10, 2013

One-Year Anniversary of Adoption at the Movies - Contest Coming Soon - Big News

** THE CONTEST IS LIVE NOW! Send an email with your favorite adoption movie to ** Contest runs through 11:59 PM PST Thursday October 17! More details here!  ****

Adoption at the Movies is one year old! Thanks for being a reader, and for enjoying these movie reviews! I’ve got some good news to help celebrate!

Adoption at the Movies is running a contest! I'm excited to celebrate AATM's birthday with a documentary that I believe in. Closure is a documentary about a transracial foster-care adoptee's quest to find her birth family. When the Closure review came out, some folks asked how they could see it. On October 15, Adoption at the Movies will announce a giveaway contest – and the grand prize is a copy of Closure plus a short Skype meeting with Angela Tucker from the Closure documentary and Bryan Tucker, her husband and the filmmaker! Stay tuned!  And in the meantime - get to know Bryan and Angela ahead of time by reading their interview

In the most recent The New Social Worker, I wrote a feature on Closure. You can read the article (and the whole issue) of TheNew Social Worker for free here.

Adoption at the Movies will also be appearing in Adoptive Families Magazine this month with a three-page spread covering several movies! It comes out next week; keep an eye out for it – and get your copy at

I hope that the reviews are helpful, fun and entertaining. Please use them with your families, and share them with your friends!

- More reviews soon, and a contest on the 15th!



  1. Clicking over to the Social Work review. Can't wait to get my copy of AF!

    1. Thanks, Lori. You're kind of a blogging/writing/adoption mentor to me. I'm still honored whenever I see you comment here :)


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