
Friday, October 18, 2013

Your Favorite Movies and the CLOSURE Contest Winners

Adoption at the Movie’s first contest has concluded! Thanks to everyone who entered, everyone who participated, and everyone who helped spread the news! There were many insightful entries, and the Closure and Adoption at the Movies team found eight winners!

Congratulations to Liz Latty, who will receive a DVD copy of Closure, and get to have a Skype meet-and-greet with Bryan and Angela Tucker, the filmmaker and subject of the documentary. Also, Bryan and Angela  Tucker were so thrilled with the turnout that they are providing not just one - but SEVEN screener links to Closure! Congratulations to Angela Kienzle, Julia Gaglione, Jessie Lutz, Lori Holden, Mary Clare Evans, Brandi-lin Ebersole and Michele Bonk! You'll all get to see Closure at home! Congratulations to all of the winners! Their favorite adoption movies will be shared here on Adoption at the Movies over the next couple weeks! Keep checking in; your new favorite movie might be waiting for you to find it!

Some of the great movies recommended were well-known films; some with overt adoption ties, and some without. Others were lesser-known, independent productions or documentaries. Here are some of the films you listed as your favorite adoption movies:

 Thanks to everyone who entered, to Bryan and Angela Tucker for their participation, and to everyone who helped spread the word! Keep an eye out for the Closure DVD when it releases in December! Adoption at the Movies will be back after the weekend with more of your favorite adoption movies, and with more new Adoption Movie Guides!


  1. Wahoo! Brother Bear made the list! I never actually looked at that one as an adoption movie but it certainly makes sense. It's one of my all time favs! Not just because of Disney or the cute animals, but the soul-soaring musical scores, artistry, and touching relationships. :)

    1. I've never seen Brother Bear, but I very much want to! If I've seen anything through doing Adoption at the Movies, it's that themes relevant to adoption are pretty much everywhere in film!


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