
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Now in Stores: The Smurfs 2

The Smurfs 2 releases on DVD today, just in time for holiday shopping. The film is unexpectedly very relevant to adoption; Smurfette was created by Gargamel, adopted and significantly changed by Papa Smurf, kidnapped back by Gargamel, and eventually rescued and reclaimed by the Smurfs. Along the way, she struggles very much with questions of identity.

One of the posters used to promote the film in theaters asked, "Who's Your Papa?" Sadly, the poster and the film take a dichotomous view -- only one can be the dad. The other can't be. In the world of the Smurfs, there's good reason for the dichotomy. Gargamel is deceitful, selfish, and dangerous. Most birthfathers probably aren't, in spite of some unfortunate assumptions that they are. This film sides with the unfortunate and ungracious prejudices.

Looking to buy a kid-friendly sequel that does a better job of portraying a father? Despicable Me 2 is excellent.

In case you'd find it helpful, click on over to the Adoption Movie Guide of The Smurfs 2

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