
Monday, April 28, 2014

If You Wouldn't Say it About a Boob Job...

Have you seen this yet? It isn't perfect (I think that some of the questions he suggests are still none of the asker's business...), but it is well-done, humorous, and makes some good points rather tactfully.

IF YOU WOULDN'T SAY IT ABOUT A BOOB JOB... from Rain City Church on Vimeo.


  1. I love this! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you found it meaningful.

  2. As an adoptee I find this tacky, tasteless and unfunny. I have a very good sense of humour, a healthy resolved attitude to my adoption, have a good life and am not 'bitter', 'angry' or in need of advice on how to live my life in case you were thinking that way.

    1. Hi Von. Thanks for your comments. I see problems with this video as well, and I can also see how it comes across as tacky and unfunny. Your comment has helped me to think about it in a different light. I also noticed that Lost Daughters has posted a response to the video, and I'm intending to read their response soon, too.

  3. as an adoptee and adoptive mom, I find this video horrible and offensive. I'm very disappointed to see so many adoptive parents promoting it.

    1. Hi Andy. Thanks for your insight. I do see how this video is offensive to some, and I also appreciate the good it was trying to accomplish. I'm looking forward to reading the Lost Daughters' response to it. If you haven't seen that yet, it's here:


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