
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Visitors Adoption Movie Guide

Godfrey Reggio’s Visitors is a wordless, black-and-white film. It’s more meditative than it is entertaining, but I think that’s OK. Philip Glass’ soaring but somewhat looping music creates a pensive and relaxing atmosphere for Reggio’s long, slow-motion close-ups of human faces. There’s not much of a plot, so what I’m sharing here are the thoughts and questions I had while watching the film.

 -          The subjects are entranced by something off camera, and seem unaware that their reactions are being filmed. So many times, we are self-aware, but what are we, when we’re not aware of what we are?

-          There are so many faces. So many people. And each person has a story, and value. So do you. So do I. And yet, so often we lose sight of the awesome creativity and wonderful depths in each person we encounter. Sometimes we even lose sight of it in ourselves. There are so many people in close proximity to us that we don’t know, and as unrealistic as it is, I want to know everyone’s story. “It’s impossible to know someone fully, and then not love them” – Ender’s Game, paraphrased. 
-          Many children are featured. Who will they grow up to be? Why do some of us grow up to become untrustworthy?

-          Plants, people, and water look lively and animated in time-lapse videos. Manmade structures look stagnant.

-          We’re really pretty when we smile.

-          I wish I spent more time interacting with people, and less time interacting with technology.

-          We can look down and out, or cheerful and thriving – but we’re all people, no more, no less. But we each have been given the creative potential to shape the world by creating kindness in our relationships to others.

-          We probably have more “needs” than we need to.

How This Connects to Adoption

Visitors doesn’t really have an obvious plot, so, I guess it doesn’t obviously connect to adoption. Here are some thoughts that I had, though:

-          Everyone has a story.
-          Everyone has the creative potential to shape themselves, at least to some extent.
-          It’s easy to feel alone, even when unknowingly surrounded by people who have similar stories to your own.

Positive Aspects

People are interesting.

Negative Aspects

The film is probably too artsy to hold the interest of kids or teenagers, and limited distribution might make it difficult for adults to find. Also, I think the film really needs to be seen in a theater; it wouldn’t translate well to a home screen.

Questions for Reflection

Who do you see, every day, that you don’t know very well?

What don’t you know about yourself that you would like to know?

If you could grow in any way, what would it be?

If you could create one thing this week what would it be? 

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