

It'd be great to hear from you! Please share your thoughts through the Adoption at the Movies Facebook Page, find me on Twitter @AddisonCooper, or click here to email me.


  1. You haven't got a review for Coraline (I don't think). That one traumatized my older daughter (though not sure it was all adoption-related.) But it seems very relevant to the whole "other mother" fantasy mother concept (not to mention it's just a downright scary movie.)

    1. Hi Sharon. Thanks for the suggestion! I've never seen Coraline, but I think I'll take your recommendation on it :)

  2. Hi Addison, Loved your recent interview with Lori Holden on Adoption Perspectives. Thanks for mentioning GIFT Family Services as a resource. Would you be willing to guest on our blog, "Growing Intentional Families Together"? Like you, I see the arts--film, literature, painting, etc--as a wonderful avenue to connection and channel to process adoption. That is why I also write a personal blog that reviews books through an adoption attuned-lens. The books I select are mostly NOT about adoption. Look forward to connecting. BTW. I've tried to subscribe under two email addresses but the connection failed in both cases/

    1. Hi Gayle! Thanks so much for listening and for reaching out! I'd love to check out your blog, and I'm always glad to pen a guest column :) The best way to reach me is -- looking forward to hearing more from you! Thanks for the heads up on the subscription challenges!

  3. Wondering what the deal is with the Disney show jessie - is it as rough as it sounds, or does it handle adoption issues (reasonably) well?

    1. Hi Jena - Sorry; I haven't seen any episodes of Jessie - from a quick look online, it looks like they do handle it pretty head-on, but I'm not sure how positively it was done; I'll have to see whether I can find some episodes to watch :) Thanks for asking!

  4. It does not matter how you tell a kid they're adopted. They will always be in shock and always be hurt and always wonder why they were abandoned or why you didn't give the moneyto their natural mother so she could raise you. Then when you find your biological mother she'll tell you to get lost and demand everyone turn their back on you. ADOPTION BLOWS.

  5. Hi Mary. Thanks for commenting. I'm sorry for the pain you've felt, and for the experience you had. I'm not sure if you've seen Closure, but something you said reminded me of that documentary, which is on Netflix.

  6. Hi I am wondering where can you buy or find these movies

    1. Hi Dee! My best guess would be to check Netflix or -- some movies might be harder to find; if you've got specific ones you're looking for, I'm glad to help! Please email me at


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