
Foster Care and Adoption on TV

Updated 5/24/16

    Adventure Time: Escape from the Citadel 

The Fosters: Episode 1
The Fosters: Episodes 2 and 3

Monk: Mr. Monk and The Kid

  Modern Family: The Future Dunphys 

   Sesame Street: Gina Adopts a Baby

   Doc McStuffins: Baby McStuffins

Doc McStuffins: Full Adoption Storyline

Some shows aren't about foster care, but are well worth seeing.

Three Therapeutic TV Shows


  1. Life Unexpected is another tv show that deals with foster care

  2. Thanks, ESal! I haven't heard of it before, but I'm excited to take a look!

  3. Once Upon a Time is another show that deals heavily with adoption, adoptive parents and birth parents. The relationships are quite complicated due to travel between fantasy worlds, time loops and magic, but they do strike a chord.

  4. Agents of Shield has a character who was in multiple foster homes and *spoiler* ends up meeting both her parents.

    1. Great tip! My wife watches that show, but I haven't followed it!

  5. Also, dinosaur train, buddy is adopted and they discuss it at length in the episode "I'm a T-Rex".

    And in Super Why, one of the super readers is a pig and they discuss how he's different. And in Daniel Tiger they talk about same and different. These two aren't about adoption but in general talk about how to discuss differences in families and friends.

    1. Thanks, Jillian! I know they covered Buddy's adoption, too, in the Dinosaur Big City episodes. Thanks for the tips on Super Why and Daniel Tiger! I think there's a lot of great content there!


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